Our Vision
Our vision is to help individuals understand and use positive spiritual principles to bring their dreams into reality for their personal growth and fulfillment and for the good of the community as a whole.
Our Mission
We teach The Science of Mind and Positive Spirituality, taking truth from all sources.
We seek to unite people of all ages, races, and cultures in a caring community.
We help people bring their dreams into reality.
We teach personal responsibility and self-mastery.
We teach health and healing in the spiritual, mental, physical, social/emotional, and environmental areas.
We teach people how to develop their genius and to thrive and flourish. We help in the development of children and hold life in trust for the future generations.
We serve our community in the areas of our strengths.
We encourage the arts.
We work at manifesting the highest level of spiritual awareness every day.
Positive Spirituality
Dr. Arthur Chang, author of “The New Positive Spirituality: Finding Purpose and Happiness in Everyday Life,” defines positive spirituality as the practice of positively embodying God’s attributes of love and law and using them in our lives to bring our desires into physical reality. Positive spirituality is for thriving and flourishing, not just surviving. It is for growing vigorously along your chosen path, not for tolerating unhappy circumstances. Dr. Chang says that positive spirituality incorporates Dr. Holmes philosophy, as stated in the Science of Mind, for remaining “open at the top.” Positive Spirituality is open to the revelation of deeper mystic understanding and other 21st century insights.