Positive Spirituality Podcast

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The "Wisdom and Healing for Daily Living" Podcast with Dr. Arthur Chang is designed to connect you to your inner strength, and to bring about success and happiness in all areas of your life. Whether it's business, relationships, health,or spirituality; you can find your purpose in life and live it with joy with the help and guidance of Dr. Arthur.


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With infinite love and blessings,
Arthur Chang


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What is Spirituality – Dr. Arthur Chang – Founder’s Church of Religious Science


By Rev. Dr. Arthur Chang

(Excerpts from Rev. Dr. Arthur Chang’s book, Stealing fire, Igniting Coal)

Under the title “True Spirituality,” an unknown writer has the following dialog:

The master was asked, “What is spirituality?”

He said, “Spirituality is that which succeeds in bringing one to inner transformation.

“But if I apply the traditional methods handed down by the masters, is that not spirituality?”

“It is not spirituality if it does not perform its function for you. A blanket is no longer a blanket if it does not keep you warm.

A Man with a Blanket, But No Longer Warm

“Spirituality changes?”

“People change and need change. So, what was spirituality once is spirituality no more. What generally goes under the name of spirituality is merely the record of past methods.” (Anthony de Mello, The Song Bird, 11).

Father de Mello’s insightful comment is “Don’t cut the person to fit the coat.”

Spirituality is the single fountainhead from which the tributaries of religions flow. If religions radiate from the single point of Spirituality, then, in some way, they must inevitably point back to their point of origin, which is God—the “Sacred Wholeness,” where “wholeness” and “holiness” are one in meaning. The priestly writer of Genesis caught the holiness of creation when he wrote, “And God saw everything he had made, and behold, it was very good.” (1:31).

Spirituality is a special way of feeling whole in the solar plexus of the mind. It takes us to a place well beyond the surface of things. Spirituality is an inexplicable assurance that, despite contrary appearances, the universe is blessed, good and unified.  It is the realization that although each of us is a whole, we are in addition, a part of a greater whole. Spirituality means the proper interplay between personal and universal wholeness—a dance rather than a struggle, and an empowerment that comes from letting and flowing, rather than grasping and holding. True Spirituality means right relationship between the Sacred and us—the Source and its emissaries. It is the consciousness of this covenant relationship that gives rise to the mastery of self and empowerment over our affairs.

What is Spirituality - Spiritual Harmony

Throughout the Ages, great spiritual leaders were those who awakened to the relationship between themselves and the Whole—God. Initially, people stumbled onto it, guided by their own natural inclinations, but eventually humans developed a way towards this happy accident. Humans learned, not only that luck is the residue of design, but also that happy accidents happen most to those who are most well prepared. One of the reasons religions developed is that the less spiritually gifted wanted a way to come into this more desirable state of being which could ward off evil and danger, and bless their food supply. So, after the experience of wholeness, mystics, shamans and sages retraced their steps through reflection to show others “the way.”

The spiritual path is the way of magnified power and of love—both being aspects of wholeness. It is understandable that many of these spiritually enlightened leaders called their path to wholeness, “The Way,” “The Law,” “The Lord,” “The Covenant,” or simply “God.” In the Hebrew tradition, for example, the notion of properly relating to the Divine was expressed as a covenant, a holy or whole relationship to God, the Creator and source of the universe.

When our lives are centered on wholeness, spiritual wisdom suggests life becomes more integrated, harmonious and empowered. On the contrary, when our lives are centered only on our personal concerns, we become less and less whole, harmonious and joyous. We become stressed and agitated, irritable and easily frustrated. With a profound sense of separation from our world, our lives are characterized by feelings of fragmentation, fear and defensiveness.

Wholeness reveals itself in intuitive glimpses as if seen through a rip in the fabric of eternity or through a split in a moment of time. We are then left with memory’s snapshot of the Kingdom of Heaven. Isaiah, Buddha, and Jesus are some who have had such experiences of wholeness.

Spirituality - No Spearation - Only Unity

When we catch an intuitive glimpse into the nature of truth, we learn to appreciate more deeply how a countless number of stem cells within our bodies know precisely how to become particular organs, bones, tissues and kneecaps in a purposive and intelligent way. Stem cells are imbued with consciousness, an intelligence that informs them, and a creative law that provides a way for them to become whatever the body specifically needs them to be. The laws governing stem cells are the same spiritual laws informing our creative efforts to bring our desires into life. Spiritual laws are universal laws responding alike for Jews, Gentiles, Buddhists, Christians, believers, and nonbelievers, each according to his understanding or faith. As the flash of lightening precedes the roll of thunder, so does the flash of insight into spiritual laws precede their expression into words.” I want to know the thoughts of God. The rest is a detail,” says Einstein.

Spirituality is the deeper sense of the Wholeness from which all things come and by which they are sustained. Mystically, we can become one with the Holy.

Wholeness, Complete, One with All


What is Religion? Dr. Arthur Chang – Founder’s Church of Religious Science

WHAT IS RELIGION - By Rev. Dr. Arthur Chang

The Oxford Dictionary says:

Religion is human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of the way people deal with ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death.

We live in a relational, interdependent world. Humans are the most intelligent of animals on earth and take the longest to mature into responsible adults. Humans have always found the world a fearful place from the earliest moment we became self-aware. As all creatures, we are endowed with a fight or flight response for sheer survival. However, our brilliant minds will not let us settle for mere survival; we are propelled toward thriving and flourishing. The evolution of our knowledge and our civilization are our testament to these realities.

What is Religion - We Want More as Humans

To arrive at this point, we had to find a way to quell our fear and to continue to learn how the world in which we live works. For our fear, we were drawn to religious practices, and to understand the way the world works, we turned to science.

Humans learned how to be relational by developing ethics and other useful survival tools. We were in awe of the forces of nature and our dependence upon them. We concluded that we must bring our psyche into harmony with this mysterious world, which encompassed the miracle of birth and the mystery of death.


Ancient Tribal Religious Cultures

Religion developed culturally and tribally, usually with values for the tribe’s survival. Humans developed a sense of the sacred, a reverence for things spiritual, and a concern or love for each other as our religions evolved.

Religion provides us with an approach to experience the Holy Presence mystically.

Religion offers us a cosmology, a way of understanding the laws and principles of the world in which we live, thus, enabling us to bring our lives into conformity with how things are.

Religion tends to validate a specific moral order within its culture that the people are expected to conform to as part of the group.

Religion provides rituals to emphasize important markers in the development of the lives of individuals from birth, into maturity and ultimately to death.

For most of us, religion serves to nurture our sense of peace, love, and openness to grow in harmony with our neighbors and to fulfill what we believe to be our divine destiny.

Our Light of Faith Burns From Within







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